Communication and Dementia
Helen Crouch Speech Therapist
Helen Crouch Speech Therapist
How might important information accompany our patients between providers?
Dr Amanda Free
Advance care planning and Mental Capacity Act
Sharon Turner Social Worker
Diagnosing dementia, screening and assessment
Dr Sokan Consultant Psychiatrist for Older Adults
Guidance on Benefits
Judy Carol Dementia Navigator
Pharmacological Management
Dr Sokan Consultant Psychiatrist for Older Adults
Looking after the dying patient - the last few days
Dawn Neil-Jones AUDIO ONLY
Person Centred Model of Care Dr Phil Anderson Clinical Psychologist
Assessing and Managing Symptoms AUDIO
Diagnosing End Stage Dementia Dr Aruni Wijerante Consultant in Palliative Care
Supporting the Carers in Bereavement Brendon Mooney Social worker
Ethical and Legal issues at end of life AUDIO only,Dr Craig Gannon Consultant in Palliative Care